Newsletter 2014
again we had a fantastic annual convention at the end of February. The theme was “Unconditional Love”. Our guest speakers, Paul and Jean Blakey taught
us much about the work of the Street Angels.
They also enjoyed our company so much on the Saturday that they asked if
they could stay for Sunday as well! And
we enjoyed their company too!
of me putting a review of the weekend I thought I would print extracts of
Paul’s report from 24th Feb. written on the Street Angels web page www.sa-nci.org.uk
and Jean have spent the weekend at the Christian Women’s Fellowship with 106
amazing ladies – Paul shared about unconditional love and the way the church is
leading the way in offering unconditional love in almost every area of need in
our nation..... The amazing ladies
raised over £560 for the golf buggy appeal for the Majorca Street Angels – this
will help the team get people back to hotels and then get back out to help more
Many of the ladies also knitted chickens
which include a Creme Egg and the message “As you eat this egg pray that God
will offer you a new start this Easter”.
The 45 chicks and eggs will be distributed to projects across the UK to
hand out to some of those we help over the Easter weekend”. Thank you to the ladies for the invitation
and support for what we do in 125 communities across UK, Spain and Australia!
that, ladies! Hopefully, we can with next year’s Convention, 27th
February to 1st March 2015.
The Committee are working hard on preparing this and there will be more
information, along with the booking details in the Autumn newsletter. I can tell you that the theme will be “Stepping Out In Faith” and our key
speaker will be the Biblical scholar and Methodist Minister, Margaret Barker DD. Also, the Committee are acting on suggestions
made on the evaluation slips and will be trying a slightly different pattern of
programme on the Saturday. This will be
for a one year trial.
At this year’s
Convention Business Meeting we thanked Ruth for all the work she had done over the past 6 years as the Programme
Yvonne was voted in as her replacement. Ida has volunteered to become the Minute Secretary, for a trial period, at
the annual Business Meetings. Also, we
have 2 new Executive Members to the C.W.F. Committee for a 3 year term. They are Kath and Christine.
you can play a musical instrument and are willing to accompany the singing
please contact
Programme Secretary - cwf1927@gamil.com
WRITING NEWSLETTERS? If you are then maybe you would be interested
in becoming the Publicity Secretary. Joy’s term of office concludes after the next Convention and, therefore, she
needs replacing on the Committee. Please
give this some thought before next year’s Business Meeting. If you would like more details please contact
Joy on cwf1927@gmail.com
remember that the Conventions are “all our own work” and organised by fellow
C.W.F. members on a voluntary basis.
next newsletter will be sent out in September.
the meantime enjoy the summer everyone and God bless you all.
C.W.F. Committee