Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Excerpt from Spring newsletter



This year’s Convention was a thought provoking weekend and we were blessed by many new members to the CWF.  Some were introduced by friends and some by ‘Reform’ or Facebook.  

The theme of this year's Convention was ‘Transforming Lives’ and started off on the Friday evening with a presentation about the Global Women’s conference in Brazil.

On Saturday morning, our guest speaker was Loretta Minghella, director of Christian Aid who talked to us about unconditional love and how we are all uniquely beautiful reflecting Christ in our person. She told us that love takes you so far and then hard work has to kick in. Loretta went on to explain that poverty is not just about money but also about dignity, allowing people to have a voice, empowering them and providing equality. 
She asked ’what can we do to show solidarity?’   
Answer:  Apart from giving with our annual abroad collection and, of course, our prayers, we acted in a positive manner by signing a petition to the Prime Minister supporting the IF Campaign.  A reply from a correspondence officer at 10 Downing Street was received on 28th February stating: “Mr Cameron is most grateful for the time and trouble you have taken to get in touch.  I have been asked to forward your letter and petition to the Department for International Development, so that they too are aware of your views.”

Many members also took copies to send personal letters to their MPs and/or Prime Minister.  If you would still like a copy to organise your own petition or send a personal letter to either the Prime Minister or your local MP then

Sunday morning Bible Study  showed in drama, verse and narration how 5 women’s lives had been transformed by Jesus - Mary, mother of Jesus, Mary of Magdala, the woman at the well, the woman with the long-term bleeding and the final woman was one of our CWF friends who gave a frank testimony of how Jesus had transformed her life. 

At an excellent Communion service  based on the story of the loaves and fishes,we were given small wooden crosses and challenged to go out and give to others; to someone that we felt would need it. In doing so, we were sharing in the leftovers of the loaves and fishes meal. Sharing Christ! 
We hope and pray that there will be some positive reports when we all meet again next February.

Speaking of next year; your Committee has met and planned another good Convention.  The chosen theme is ‘UNCONDITIONAL LOVE’  

There will be more in the autumn newsletter, which you will receive along with a booking form.   The autumn newsletter and booking form will be sent out at the end of September this year.
 Don’t forget our email address is